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Meet the CCSD Teacher: Morgan Clifton of Cherokee HS!

Meet the CCSD Teacher: Morgan Clifton of Cherokee HS!

Our amazing teachers are Elevating The Excellence in our schools … and every week, you’ll get to know one of them better through a Q&A posted here. #CCSDElevateTheExcellence



Morgan Clifton
Cherokee High School 
Art teacher 

What’s the most innovative idea that you’ve tried in your classroom? 
One of the most innovative ideas I’ve tried is working alongside my students as a fellow artist.  I believe it’s important for them to see their teacher actively practicing the content and modeling artistic behavior, which helps inspire and motivate their own creative growth. 
Who is the best teacher you ever had and what made him or her special?
One of the best teachers I had was my 11th-grade literature teacher, who was also my homeroom teacher for all four years.  We developed a close bond over time, and that connection made a huge difference.  I hope to build the same meaningful relationships with my students. 
What can parents do to prepare their children for learning?
Parents can prepare their children for learning by staying actively involved in their education.  Simply asking what they’re learning each day and showing genuine interest helps kids see that you value their growth and learning, which encourages them to stay engaged. 
What are the obstacles to getting all kids to achieve?
Art can feel very personal, and students who are perfectionists or fear judgment may struggle to take creative risks.  Helping them develop confidence and resilience is key but not easy.